Intuitive Energy Sessions

*embrace your soul's evolution 

*serve your highest good

*build your spiritual tool box

Energy Healing and Clearing Sessions For Every Step and Stage of YOUR Soul's Journey

Intuitive Energy Sessions with Charlotte Brennan ~ the Soul Mechanic

"Don't stop believing for the journey has only just begun." ~ Charlotte Brennan, the Soul Mechanic~

With many courses of study and a plethora of life stories behind me I have decided to focus on allowing my heart's passion to blossom to assist others on their own healing journeys. Each healing journey is very different from the next, and those whose paths cross mine who present with familiar storylines to my own, offers me a deeper level to relate and a knowing from a truly heart-centered space. I do not work alone. Full stop. I work purely as a hollow bone, or clear conduit, alongside my Angels and Guides ~ My Team ~ who will be the ones communicating with your Angels and Guides. I am always intuitively guided as to what I am to share, how I am to offer guidance and the kind of work that is to be performed once we move to the work upon the table. I cannot determine prior to any session how the healing session will play out. It is not for me to know prior to your attendance as it is not my healing journey but, yours. You see, in essence, I am not the Healer, you are. It is you who has sought the assistance, having listened to the guidance provided by your soul to move you in my direction. You may not be aware of such, yet, but, in time, you will come to understand such to be true. 

The minute if I were to decide how a healing will occur (without guidance), or I place an emotional attachment to your outcome is the very minute I am standing knee deep in my ego. My job is to hold space so that you may be safely held as you shift into the realm of healing. It is an absolute REQUIREMENT that the one who is facilitating the 'healing' MUST put their ego aside in order to open up to the full and perfect guidance of the higher realm. To be in ego is to control the healing and we, 'healers' are never to be doing so.  

Many in the past have asked so, yes, I am a psychic and a medium. However, I have learned that those two gifts, for now, are to be tapped into as a part of a healing session. My craft is healing work, not psychic readings or mediumship work on their own, but as a tool utilized in sessions. Can I do either of those things? Yes, but I find to do so outside of a healing session is very draining on my energy level. At this space in my Calling, I receive that as a very clear message from my Guidance Team to simply use such gifts as tools. I believe - for me - it is better to hone in on my amplified gifts, rather than to be a jack of all trades and dabble in too much. 

I have discovered through my own healing work that Love is the only vibration in which all things can be shifted and in which miracles can occur. I believe whole heartedly that when one shifts the energy of the internal foundation of that from fear to love, it is only then that the potential exists to change the foundations around us. I believe in all things Magick and mystical and absolutely trust that that which I may not see does surely exist. I have been given the gifts of clairaudience, clairsentience clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairalience which simply means that I can hear, feel and see spirit, have the ability of clear knowing and the ability to smell scents given to me by Spirit to assist in relaying whom they may be. My awareness of Spirit is always dependent upon how they wish to make their presence known to me.

Bottom line, I am not in charge or control ... ever ... and I am completely okay with such. This is my life, this is my world. I am ever so lucky to be able to be just who I am. I know this to be very different for many of those who came before me. I am grateful to my ancestors for gifting me this way and, just as they have done before me, my hope is to continue to open the path for those who will come after me. In the interim I am here to help alleviate the suffering of those around me. I am here to facilitate as I may be required, always in a safe space and void of judgement.

Inner work is a personal journey. There are no two journeys the same. My role is to walk beside you, listening and supporting whilst shining the light into those spaces and places that require from you some attention.

"We all have the ability to heal. When we feel safe in the presence of unconditional love, new doors of possibilities and beliefs to begin to open."

~Charlotte Brennnan, the Soul Mechanic~

My Code or Ethics

 1. I will honour and respect you, your story and your privacy, always and in all ways.

2. Your sharing with me remains between us.  I will not repeat your words to another unless I have requested your permission to do so.

3. My healing den is a safe, non-judgmental and compassionate space created to allow you to feel fully supported in your healing journey.

4. I will listen to you with an open heart;  sharing my own healing stories, should they apply; responding to your questions and needs with kindness, integrity and truth, always and all ways to the best of my ability.

5. I am not the “healer", you are.  I am simply a hollow bone or clear conduit.  The Work is never about me and always about you.

6. I will not “fix” anyone or anything.  I will hold space to facilitate the Work to be done but, it must be done by you, not for you.

7. I will show you ways to take care of your own self so that you will be less required to search outside of yourself.

8. I do not diagnose or prescribe.  If you are working with a medical doctor or therapist of any kind I will not ask you to stop. If you are taking medications of any kind I will not ask you to cease such.  Working with me is a beautiful compliment to what you may already be doing but, never a replacement for such.

9. Touch is respectful and non-intrusive.  I will not engage in any behaviours that may violate trust.  Sexual comments, touch or insinuations of such will not be tolerated.

10. I will offer fair and appropriate fees that are in keeping with my belief system that all persons are entitled to receive healing.

11. When necessary, I will provide you with referrals to other professionals whom I believe can best suit your needs beyond my capabilities.

To you I make these statements as one who has been given gifts from Creator to assist you as you walk your path.  In doing so, I also know that what has been given can be taken away if not honoured.  Lastly, I thank you for entrusting me to walk along with you on your healing journey.

Are you ready to begin your healing journey? Clearly, We have been waiting for you ...

The intention of intuitive healing is to assist the flow of energy within the body by helping to remove any blocks that have formed due to physical, mental or emotional stress, thereby allowing the body to move into a deep state of relaxation. When the body has been allowed to move into relaxation it then has an opportunity to shift, offering a boost to the immune system and allowing the body’s own innate capacity to heal. The intention is always to introduce unconditional love and compassion in order to remove blockages and toxins, improving the flow of energy within and around the body. Once the body and nervous system reaches relaxation, the immune system is then free to engage to help reduce pain, speed up the body’s natural ability to heal as well as reduce encompassing symptoms that arise when a body is out of a state of ease, what we have come to know as dis-ease.

Intuitive healing can take place in any setting, in person or virtually. I’ve been know to offer healing sessions to people at music festivals, in busy office settings, in the middle of busy shopping centres and in the comfort of their own home connected via Zoom or other platforms. Ideally, it is preferred that a client be able to either sit in a comfortable chair or lie down in a comfortable position. 

Once comfortable my hands will be placed lightly on or over specific areas of your head, limbs and torso between 2 and 5 minutes each. If there is any area of concern or injury, we can discuss such and once the healing begins I will be guided as to how to assist in your healing journey. 

While my hands rest lightly on or over your body, a download of energy takes place with the energy then being transmitted through my eyes and hands into your body. You may feel my hands become warm with a tingling sensation, sometimes similar to pins and needles or you may even feel a surge or flow of energy into the area. I am always fully guided as to how long my hands are to remain in each particular area and, as such, I always ask my clients to allow any uncomfortableness to simply be, for it is always in the discomfort that we seek change.

Sessions generally last between fifteen to forty-five minutes depending on whether I am working with a child or an adult, and also dependent on each individual situation. I rarely ever suggest the frequency of sessions as I fully believe that as the healing journey is my client’s, and as such, how often and when one attends is entirely up to them. Often I will share that if attending for a session with me comes to mind, that is your own intuitive guidance asking that you book a session. Sometimes if there is something specific a client wishes to work on I will make a suggestion for treatments, which is always dependent upon the client’s own intuitive guidance. It is important to remember that I am not the healer, you are, with me simply a tool for your healing. By ethics I am bound to always honour and respect you, to move out of ego and to allow myself to be a clear conduit or hollow bone accepting guidance to facilitate a session and therefore it will never be my decision as to how each healing will play out. 

Intuitive energy healing aids in the body’s ability to focus into relaxation, which then activates the body’s own natural healing processes. Intuitive energy healing can help to develop and improve each person’s emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Intuitive energy healing when aiding in relaxation helps people to cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress and improve their overall well-Be-ing. 

Intuitive energy healing can be of assistance by helping to alleviate ongoing symptoms of cancer, heart disease, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, chronic pain, infertility, neurodegenerative disorders, stomach and digestive disorders, as well as chronic fatigue. 

I have also used intuitive energy healing to assist women during pregnancy and delivery, offering tools to assist in inducing relaxation to allow their bodies to move organically through each biological process. 

Intuitive energy healing and Reiki are not alternative treatments for medical issues and should never be treated as such. What this therapy does allow is it is a beautiful compliment to any treatment, as it helps support the body’s own healing while increasing an overall feeling of well Be-ing.


Parking available
By appointment only
Good for children
Good for Men
Good for Women
Good for YOUR soul
24/7 availability

Client Shares

I saw Charlotte during a time where a lot of things were changing for me, I was moving to a new province, starting new projects with work and it was a time of transition. I went into Reiki with the intention of pure curiosity and looking for some relaxation time with a friendly lady I had met. I have to say, the experience was life-changing! What happened was not just a feeling of being relaxed but a real feeling of transformation! I left feeling changed and with new insights that I would never have come to otherwise! These insights helped me through my move in so many ways, changed my parenting, and have stuck with me in a big way.. I am still in awe how a 60 minute session can do this and highly recommend giving the experience a try if you have any curiosity in the practice. You won't regret it!
Corrine Seeley
Aug 5, 2019
If you are looking for unconditional love, peace, joy, connection to your spiritual support system, your purpose in life, how to change your beliefs and your health; Charlotte will help you open the doors to possibilities beyond all your dreams. Sheilagh Marissink, Reiki Master, thankful to be one of Charlotte's teachers and good friends.
Sheilagh Brookfield Marissink
Aug 5, 2019

I have been receiving in-person Reiki healing sessions with Charlotte now for around one year. With the social distancing that is going on the the world right now, I had the opportunity to trial a distance healing session with Charlotte using Zoom technology. Much like Facetime or Skype, we were able to see each other and chat through technology about my concerns, Then Charlotte lead me through a very relaxing mediation. Next was the distance healing part of the session. I laid down and relaxed and felt the warm healing energy move through my body. It was as if I was laying on her table! As with her in-person sessions, I felt incredibly relaxed and refreshed after our session. This is a fantastic way to continue on your healing journey with Charlotte.

Janice W.
Oct 15, 2020

Utilizing inherited energy medicines, ecstatic tools & life's wisdoms to assist your Soul's journey.

All services
All services
Intuitive Energy Healing and Clearing Sessions ~ All Sessions Are Fully Guided by Spirit/Source
Virtual/Remote Intuitive Quantum Healing
Intuitive Quantum Healing for Two
The Cosmic Clear Out * A Session Truly Outta This World ONLY at Beyond the Purple Door
Soul Therapy Sessions
Higher Guidance Recipe
Light Language Healing
Shamanic Healing & Services
3rd Eye Opening & Activation
Andara Crystals Chakra Healing
Crystals and Sound Therapy
Meet Your Dragon(s) Spirit Guide
Chakra Colour Therapy
Usui Reiki Attunment to Assist Change and/or Addictions
Usui Reiki Training
Akashic Records Reading & Healing
Oracle Card Readings
Individual Spiritual Mentoring
Individual & Couple Spiritual Counselling
Equine Energy Healing
House Clearings and House Blessings
Gift Cards

Intuitive Energy Healing and Clearing Sessions ~ All Sessions Are Fully Guided by Spirit/Source

Virtual/Remote Intuitive Quantum Healing

Intuitive Quantum Healing for Two

The Cosmic Clear Out * A Session Truly Outta This World ONLY at Beyond the Purple Door

Soul Therapy Sessions

Higher Guidance Recipe

Light Language Healing

Shamanic Healing & Services

3rd Eye Opening & Activation

Andara Crystals Chakra Healing

Crystals and Sound Therapy

Meet Your Dragon(s) Spirit Guide

Chakra Colour Therapy

Usui Reiki Attunment to Assist Change and/or Addictions

Usui Reiki Training

Akashic Records Reading & Healing

Oracle Card Readings

Individual Spiritual Mentoring

Individual & Couple Spiritual Counselling

Equine Energy Healing

House Clearings and House Blessings

Gift Cards



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