The Cosmic Clear Out * Only Available at  Beyond the Purple Door

The Cosmic Clear Out * Only Available at Beyond the Purple Door

60 minutes

Feeling like you’re literally dragging your arse through your days?

Legs feeling overwhelmingly heavy?

Arms feeling achy and tense?

Shoulders refuse to relax?

Knees causing you grief and discomfort?

Head feel foggy and cluttered with shite?

Sleep evading you?

You may be ready to receive the latest session lovingly dropped into my consciousness by my trusted Spiritual Guidance Team. This session is completed with co-operative connection from my Guides and Healing Allies Working specifically with me and through me to ensure the effectiveness and completeness of this session.

This session will have two lengths and price points ~ you decide which feels right for your needs, while I move to create the lovingly safe space for all to transpire just as is required.

Are you ready to clear out that which is ready to be disposed of, whilst leaving behind the pure energies of the knowledge and wisdom you have gained, particularly over these last 2.5 years.

I have been given another incredible download as to the crystals to be used and their placement to facilitate such a clearing session.

Sessions in my practice always consist of “chair work” and “table work” ~ in such that we first have an opportunity to bring forward through conversation anything that needs to come up so that what is needed to be, may be closer to the surface for our work on the table. 

All conversations are beautifully guided by my own Guidance Team, who are connected in with your own Guidance Team, whilst there to assist me during every healing session.

This is another beautiful and powerful Signature Session graciously gifted to me by my Guidance Team. They are so very wise and their guidance so very much needed for They see the bigger picture of which some of us have only had mere glimpses of.

60 minute session = $195.00

90 minute session = $240.00

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