Soul Therapy Sessions

Soul Therapy Sessions

75 mins

This offering is one that will evolve to include whichever medicines, modalities and tools might be needed to best fully support you and your Soul's journey. 

There will be different price points and session lengths noted at the end of this description should you wish to attend for a longer and deeper Soul Therapy session.

All Soul Therapy Sessions will begin with an in-depth discussion, allowing me to gain information and guidance from your Guidance Team who will be connecting in with my Guidance Team, who ultimately connect in with me.

My ability to see, hear and feel Spirit/Source makes this type of offering, possible. 

As an intuitive, psychic-medium, I have spent the last decade cultivating, honing-in and fine-tuning my clair senses (I have been gifted with all of them) with Spirit/Source, to be solely used for the benefit of healing work. 

Upon stepping Beyond the Purple Door into a Soul Therapy Session, you will be asked to have an open mind and an open heart, whilst being prepared to receive from Spirit/Source in a safe, non-judgmental and loving environment. 

As the Soul Mechanic I will be fully guided in the facilitating of this session ~ carefully maneuvering through the healing processes in coordination with my Guidance Team, through any form of medicine, divination tool or energy healing modality that will best suit your Soul's needs at the time of your attendance.

This session will require you to have no expectations but, to step in fully trusting the journey that awaits.

This may not be a session for someone who is just beginning their healing journey with me as their Soul Guide.

Some of the divination tools that may be consulted:

Oracle Cards

Medicine Cards


Dousing Rods 

Some of the sound healing tools that may be used:

Tuning Forks

Crystal Bowls



Light Language 

Some of the tools that may be utilized:


Crystals & Stones




$245.00 - 75 mins

$275.00 - 90 mins

$310.00 - 120 mins 

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