Inner work is a personal journey. There are no two journeys the same. My role is to walk beside you, listening and supporting whilst shining the light into those spaces and places that require from you some love and attention.

Inner work is a personal journey. There are no two journeys the same. My role is to walk beside you, listening and supporting whilst shining the light into those spaces and places that require from you some love and attention.

"We all have the ability to heal. When we feel safe in the presence of unconditional love, new doors of possibilities and beliefs magically begin to open. As a cancer thriver of 12+ years, I am familiar with the journey one must undertake to move beyond a diagnosis and into abundance. AND THAT is merely one of the healing stories I carry as wisdom to be shared, as guided, with those who step Beyond the Purple Door."

~Charlotte Brennnan, the Soul Mechanic

My Code of Ethics

1. I will honour and respect you, your story and your privacy, always and in all ways.

2. Your sharing with me remains between us. I will not repeat your words to another unless I have requested your permission to do so.

3. My healing den is a safe, non-judgmental and compassionate space created to allow you to feel fully supported in your healing journey.

4. I will listen to you with an open heart; sharing my own healing stories as guidance, should they apply; responding to your questions and needs with kindness, integrity and truth, always and in all ways to the best of my ability.

5. I am not the “healer", you are. I am simply a hollow bone or clear conduit. The Work is never about me and always about you.

6. I will not “fix” anyone or anything. I will hold space to facilitate the Work to be done but, it must be done by you, not for you.

7. The use of Shamanic Tools will most often require of you Work in preparation for, and afterwards to help aid in percolation and integration of that which is completed in the Healing Den. I do not decide how or what will be required, I am always directed in that regard. I will not be coerced into completing the necessary Work in any other way. You MUST take responsibility in that it has taken a journey for you to arrive "here" and it will be a journey for you to safely move away. The necessary Work gets done in its time, not yours and certainly not my own.

7. I will show you ways to take care of your own self so that you will be less required to search outside of yourself.

8. I do not diagnose or prescribe. If you are working with a medical doctor or therapist of any kind I will not ask you to stop. If you are taking medications of any kind I will not ask you to cease such. Working with me is a beautiful compliment to what you may already be doing but, never a replacement for such.

9. Touch is respectful and non-intrusive. I will not engage in any behaviours that may violate trust. Sexual comments, touch or insinuations of such will not be tolerated.

10. I am not at liberty to decide who it is that I work with. Therefore, I will ALWAYS offer fair and appropriate fees that are in keeping with my belief system that all persons are entitled to receive healing.

11. When necessary, I will provide you with referrals to other professionals whom I believe can best suit your needs beyond my capabilities.

I make these statements as one who has been chosen and entrusted by Creator to assist others on their journeys. In accepting responsibility to this sacred position, I also know that that which has been bestowed upon me, can be taken away if not so honoured.  

Charlotte Brennan - the Soul Mechanic