Intuitive Quantum Healing for Two * Unique to Beyond the Purple Door

Intuitive Quantum Healing for Two * Unique to Beyond the Purple Door

90 minutes / couple

$275.00/90mins ~ Couple

$325.00/90mins ~ 2 adults

$175.00/60mins ~ 1 adult/1 child (-18)

Have you been needing some time away relaxing with your bestie or reconnecting with your love?

Have you enjoyed the experience of an intuitive energy healing session yourself and would like to share an experience with someone special?

I have facilitated sessions for hundreds of people in various spaces, ranging from single sessions to retreat groups of 40+ persons.

No two experiences have ever been alike. Now with the capacity to hold space for two in my newly created Healing Den, I have all my sacred tools available to me to enhance your experience.

Imagine the potential of a beautiful sound bath of crystal bowls, chimes and calming rain sticks resonating around you both; or the sound of the deep vibration of my healing drum as I move around your relaxed selves; healing crystals upon you, candles or colour therapy lighting surrounding you, soothing music to hold and cradle your soul, while the energy of loving kindness is offered to each of you through the placement of my healing attuned hands, as I am guided by my Guidance Team.

To be present in the energy of unconditional love, surrounded by the highest and most loving vibrations ~ it will be cozy, it will be intimate, it will be an experience of healing and transformation like no other.

As with any healing session, I cannot definitively tell you what to expect. What I can confidently share is that it will be exactly as it’s intended to be as I move through the experience guided by my Healing Guides, Angels and celestial and heavenly Be-ings.

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